Whiff of Grape

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Your RSVP for September 25 : Michelle Kitchen (Closed)

Sorry, RSVP for this event is now closed.

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Name Attending # of Guests
Phil Aldrich no answer yet unknown
Rick Barker not coming n/a
Brian Bastin no answer yet unknown
Paul Beckmann yes 0
James Bruce yes 0
Fred Cadham no answer yet unknown
Tom Cheevers no answer yet unknown
Bob Cowan yes 0
Jim Cranston yes 0
John Diack not coming n/a
Paul Doroshenko no answer yet unknown
Garth Evans no answer yet unknown
Dr. John Fraser no answer yet unknown
Robert Friesen yes 0
Terry Fullerton yes 1
Michael Geller no answer yet unknown
Paddy Gooderham not coming n/a
Nick Green yes 0
Tony Hepworth not coming n/a
Al Hurwitz no answer yet unknown
Graham Kedgley not coming n/a
John Kenmuir no answer yet unknown
Philippe Kruchten not coming n/a
Nick LeMoine yes 0
Teal Linde no answer yet unknown
Mike Longhi not coming n/a
Nicolas Maftei yes 1
Allan McGavin no answer yet unknown
Brian McGavin yes 0
Jim McKnight yes 0
David Nesbitt not coming n/a
Georges Pahud yes 0
Ron Pears yes 0
Ian Pitfield not coming n/a
Jean-Michel Poutissou yes 0
Bill Pratt no answer yet unknown
Hugh Richardson not coming n/a
Craig Rowland not coming n/a
Lee Russell yes 1
Dave Russell not coming n/a
Jay Steele no answer yet unknown
Don Steele yes 1
Marvin Storrow yes 0
Eric Watt no answer yet unknown
Alan Weiss no answer yet unknown
Andrew Williams yes 0
Dick Woldring yes 0
Mike Young no answer yet unknown

17 have not responded
12 are not coming
19 are coming
4 guests
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